The program Mandel 5.19 for investigating the Mandelbrot set and other sets from complex dynamics is found here. Interactive demos are included.
The web application Juliette 2.0 can be used on tablets and smart phones as well.

Read here about my
research interests; download papers and preprints: Teaching: 1996–2004 I was a research and teaching assistant
at the former Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, RWTH Aachen University. I have been giving problem sessions on calculus for civil engineering students, Fourier analysis, distributions, differential equations, and dynamic systems.

2005–2006 I was a teacher-in-training at the
Erasmus-von-Rotterdam Gymnasium in Viersen, Germany. On Friday afternoons there was a study group on the Mandelbrot set with my former 11th-grade students.

Since 2007 I am teaching mathematics and physics at Gesamtschule Brand, a community college for grades 5–13, located in Aachen, Germany. We use ucloud4schools and Padlet, Logineo and Strato.
See our attempt at K-Pop, and a video explaining the matrix modeling a stochastic process (in German).

Binomial 2.2 is a program for illustrating the binomial probability distribution and its approximation by a Gaussian, and for calculations related to testing of hypotheses. The latest release is available here. Exercise sheets are included in the German version.

Processwork (or Process Oriented Psychology) is a method of awareness training with various applications in psychotherapy and facilitation. Look here for a brief introduction. I
have done various trainings in Portland Oregon, Zurich, Stuttgart, and Wuppertal. In 2022 I have completed the basic training and the phase-I exams at Institut für Prozessarbeit Deutschland to enter the diploma training.